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Adolescents & Grief
When a Friend Dies: a book for teens about grieving and healing
Marilyn Gootman - Free Spirit Publishing, 1994
A small book which looks at questions teenagers often pose when faced with the funeral and death of a friend: how should I be acting? Is it wrong for me to go to parties? What if my friends start acting strange?
Something I've Never Felt Before: How teenagers cope with grief
Doris Zagdanski - Michelle Anderson Publishing, 2001
Doris has presented a beautiful book interweaving stories of pain recounted by teenagers and adding her observations on ways to cope and help those grieving.
Healing Your Grieving Heart for Teens: 100 practical ideas
Alan Wolfelt - Companion Press, 2001
A wonderful collection of practical ideas to help teenagers who are facing the sadness of a broken heart. It recognises the unique needs of this age-group and gently leads them through ways to help not only themselves but also their families.
Common Threads of Teenage Grief: A Handbook of Healing
Janet Tyson - Helm Publishing, 2005
This book is the culmination of a teenage grief support group in which members wrote of their losses and what helped them in that experience. It is obvious that this book is based in the reality of these nine young people's experiences and so will resonate with the rawness of grief which is felt, especially when grief is a new experience.